1·All Kinds of Organizing Forms and Changeable Role Relationship.
2·With the working experience, the paper has studied the organizing forms and several tasks which should be done well.
3·This essay discusses language sense teaching methods and organizing forms of Chinese reading for the students in high school.
4·The cost to create new companies has never been lower, and new forms of work that use the Internet as its organizing principle (instead of the firm) are beginning to become more commonplace.
5·However, you can also think of NUnit's [TestFixture] as a way of organizing a test suite as each class forms an individual branch in the treeview under the name of the project.
6·Kindly fax your completed forms directly to the Institute Organizing Committee for immediate processing or you can submit it via your country attendance promotion chair.
7·Lecture is one of the major forms in organizing a class.
8·Both media application forms and photocopies of valid press card must be returned to the organizing committee by POST or FAX.
9·Guided by the scientific thought of self -organization, the environments, motive powers and evolving forms of self - organizing evolution of science are discussed in this paper.
10·Wireless sensor network consists largely of random in monitoring area threw the sensor node, through wireless communication forms of multiple hops self-organizing network system.